

Monday, December 31, 2007

Old New Year, New Year

5, 4, 3, 2, 1..... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! For old acquaintance be forgot, blah blah blah,blah blah blah blah.... OK, what the hell does this song mean? AND why must we sing this every New Year? Is it good luck or something? I mean if we don't sing it will that make the new year we have just entered all shitty? The funniest is hearing the song in spanish, with a salsa beat... WHAT is THAT about??!!! hmmm... definitely a song for the ipod. :)

What can I say about this last year? I mean there were good times, not so good times, fun things, not so fun things; just like every year. For me, this year was a year of complete change and new beginnings. Marriage, freelancing, nesting, communicating, all of it new. There was death, illness, hospital visits, but overall it wasn't a bad year for the health department. We were blessed with tons of work, which sometimes didn't seem like a blessing, but it was. Work=money... money=security..... security=comfort... comfort=bliss... bliss=a good life. So, there was plenty of money!!! Overall, i can't really say anything awful about 2007. All i know is that all the good and bad combined and alone are blessings we are fortunate to have.

Welcome 2008!! I welcome abundance, good fortune, happiness, good health, long good lives, blessings, financial success, great work, love, good sex, passion, good communication, fun, motivation, self control, flexibilty, new hobbies, travel, and a great bond with my family and friends... I welcome all of this into my life and the lives of those that i love. The Universe provides, IT has my back, and IT blesses me always. THANK YOU UNIVERSE.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Keep up the good work. Have a great 2008! Cheers:-)