

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Factory Girl....

Why do creative types(artists, musicians, etc) have to be ass wipes? I know that's a generalization and I know that not ALL creatives are ass wipes. But after watching this movie, it just seems like it. Andy Warhol was such a shit.... using people around him to gain fame and credibility. How many updated Warhols are out there now in Hipster land? With daddy's trust fund being spent away as they live the "artist's life"... tre bohemian... viva la vie boheme. And yet they are the ones that make the connections... they are the ones that make it work and get known, get credit, get richer? !! But someone like me or MY creative types get SHIT! B/c we don't schmooze, b/c we don't kiss ass, b/c we don't connect with the new Warhols and Sedgwiks, hipsters and their wannabes. Things don't change I guess and maybe I should find some comfort in that. But the only thing I find is true and utter disgust. And now, I am truly depressed!

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