

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Fall's in the air

It's mid September(sort of) and time is flying. How is it time just zooms by & sweeps you along with it when we're older but it lags behind when we're kids? I didn't post anything yesterday, mainly I just had nothing to say. That happens alot in my life. So, it's funny that I chose to start a blog when for the most part I have nothing to say. Go figure. Maybe it's my way of learning how to get out of my shell & connecting with my inner self. Who knows. ANYWAY, I am digressing!

I went to acupuncture last night, and if you've never tried it I highly recommend it. I went in completely anxious, depressed, exhausted, on the brink of tears. My therapist, Karoline, suggested it might be b/c of 9/11. We were all affected by it, especially if you were in any of the areas directly associated with it. I made sure not to watch any of the news yesterday , which kept replaying images of the WTC going down and all the mass hysteria. I even forgot about it throughout the day. I did feel badly about that but life goes on and yesterday so did I. .... OR so I thought. I didn't think that subconsciously I was feeling the negativity and vibes associated with the day. Will it be like this always? Not only was I feeling this way, but alot of people around me too. I offered up a prayer for everyone affected and called it a day, but it wasn't until I got to acupuncture that I realized no matter what, this day is ingrained in those of us who lived to tell. Funny how the mind works, huh!

And speaking of acupuncture, if anyone is in the Queens, NY area or in the NYC area(and willing to travel), please check out the BEST acupuncturist ever. Her name is Karoline Grostl and she ROCKS! She's funny, calming, sweet, and she knows her stuff. She makes sure you feel like jelly by the time you leave her office. I am attaching her link to my blog so you can check her out.

Oh and before I forget, the other reason why I started this blog was to promote the talented, creative, amazing people around me. I will be adding people's links to this blog and proudly will pimp them out! SO, please support these wonderful talents and help them do their life's work.

OH and one last thing.... check out James Wolcott! He's this incredibly talented composer and musician from NYC by way of Nebraska. His links are also on the blog under "Required Listening". His bands include U.S. scientists, Six Demon, Hasteur, NE ,all under the umbrella of Mercer Friendly. Currently, he is working with his musical/business partner Jason Merritt (also on the link of talented people to watch as "Jemicus") on soundtracks for video games. They are both amazingly talented individuals who deserve many a chance in the spot light. Check them out and enjoy!

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